Hergom E-30 Freestanding Wood Heater


Hergom E-30M Freestanding Wood Heater : $3850.00* + Flue + Installation


The E30 shares the same firebox as the E40 and therefore the same key features and advantages of these magnificent fires. Constructed entirely from robust cast iron and with the latest combustion technology, the E 30 M is a sustainable heating solution that produces a powerful 10.6kW of heat output. A large loading capacity and a clean burn system guarantee an efficient longer lasting burn.

Leaflet AU_castworks Hergom Heater




Height : 740mm
Width: 660mm
Depth: 540mm
Heating Capacity: 150 - 180m²
Emissions: 1.5g/kg
Efficiency: 67%
Flue Dimension : ⌀152mm (6") Top Flue
Material: Cast Iron
Max Log Size : 400mm