Jindara Mallee Freestanding Wood Heater


FROM $5,845.00* Excludes Flue and Installation::


Outback Series

The Jindara Mallee Wood Heater, bay window range provides a stunning view of the dancing flames. These units incorporate Jindara’s dual pre-heated primary air technology to produce extraordinary heat with a cool-touch casing that will keep the steel surfaces of the unit gentle to the touch. With its large heat output and unique bay window display of flickering flames, the Jindara Mallee Wood Heater unique is sure to be a family favourite this winter.




Height : 825mm
Width : 850mm
Depth: 620mm
Heating Capacity: 350m²
Output: 20kW‡
Efficiency: 66%†
Emissions: 0.9g/kg
Log Size (mm): 630mm
Flue Type: ⌀175mm
Australian Made: